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sabato 20 agosto 2011

Storia del bikini


He was born in July 1946, the two pieces that have revolutionized the custom, society, women.
It takes its name from an island called Bikini nell'atollo Pacific, where a few days before the Americans had conducted nuclear tests.
In the 50 girls adopt it as standard-bearer, stands for freedom and transgression, first of all be imitated Brigitte Bardot in her bikini checkered Vichy.

What is the bikini is the idea of disobedience and rebellion, the emancipation of women relative to a performance by the body that marks an era for the first time the garment from the sea.

Only since the 60 years the bikini is accepted in public pools and beaches.

From this point on is an explosion of creativity and imagination: the bikini is embellished with fringes, ruffles, metal and plastic decorations, beaded embroidery, openwork crochet ... there are no limits, shapes, sizes, in patterns and colors used.
Item fashion in all respects following the styles and trends of the moment and is an indispensable ally of feminine beauty.

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